It’s only fitting to write my first post after our website launch about friendship.
This post is dedicated to everyone that has supported us from the very start, when fostering rescue ponies was just an idea. Three years on, with the help of family, friends and people from our community we are still fostering rescue ponies, some have gone on to be adopted (pony updates are coming soon). We now organise events to raise money for Pukka Ponies and have established an exciting partnership with Dog Smart Training and Behaviour who run puppy, life skills, agility and gundog classes at Little Warden.
The pictures below remind me of everything that has been achieve through friendships and team work. These are the pictures that lift my spirit when I’m feeling exhausted working alone in the field.
Support has come in the form of donations (money, tools, horsey items), physical help, advice, motivational and emotional support and more importantly many people (especially the lovely children) have taken the time to visit the ponies. The ponies that live with us have a wonderful life (I’m biased but it’s true!). We have a small herd which allows us to give them quality time each day. This enables us to quickly build trust and tailor care to meet their individual needs. We’ve found this approach creates a great environment for their personalities to flourish. There’s no pressure, they’re here to relax and just be horses. All of these people (there are many more but they’re a little camera shy) have been instrumental in changing the lives of our foster ponies for the better, for this we and the ponies are truly thankful.