Searching for the right people to look after the ponies was not my only headache. I also had to consider: Where to store the hay and how to get it into the field? How to poo pick during muddier times? And find ways to prevent the gateways from becoming impassable? More importantly, I had to come up with a plan that was easy and manageable. I needed reliable people who wouldn’t buckle under the pressure when things got tough.
I spent countless hours asking friends, calling friends of friends and searching the web without any success and panic set in. If I didn’t find anyone, I wouldn’t be able to go (this was not an option). Luckily a month before we set off, I found 3 wonderful girls: Hannah, Lauren and Becky. Woohoo!
Hannah Hawkins Lauren Antwis Rebecca James
Well what a team! The girls did a fantastic job. Yes, there were tricky moments like when my storage box and all the contents blew away during high winds; and Silver freaking out after seeing the light of a small torch and ending up on the other side of the paddock. They even carried on working when they themselves were sick. These girls are made of strong stuff, I really can’t thank then enough. Super stars! That’s what they are too me.