Since I’ve been fostering the rescue ponies, I’ve alway led them individually between paddocks because I work alone and I don’t know the background and temperment of the ponies. However, today I managed to lead Silver and Pumba together from their night paddock to their day paddock. I’m feeling estatic and elated right now.

Why is this such an achievement, you may ask? I’ve never done this before; it has been one of my goals which I’d sidelined for next year because deep down I lacked the confidence to give it a go. Also these are rescue ponies, both with very different issues. Silver can be skittish, highly strung and become anxious when faced with new challenges. Pumba on the other hand is semi feral so nearly all his experiences at Little Warden are new.
Since they arrived, I’ve tirelessly worked with them each day, if only for a few minutes. Teaching them separately to wait nicely, back up, follow and walk behind me when I’m leading them (this is a natural horsemanship approach). Today all that work paid off. Silver and Pumba were calm and followed my lead. However, I can’t take all the credit. Thank you to Lydia Pink for always answering my questions. Most importantly a big thank you goes to Rosanna Hollands, my fabulous mentor. She has coached me and in a long telephone conversation, Rosanna shared her knowledge, experience and expertise. We discussed possible strategies if things went wrong and she has given me the confidence to give it a go, this support is priceless. It’s truly amazing what you can do if you have self belief.
Lydia Rosanna
Achieving this milestone, helps reaffirm my belief that I can do this, it reminds me of what has been achived over the last four years and strenghens the trust and bond between the ponies and I.
I leave you with this inspiring quote from Buzz Lightyear, “To infinity and beyond!” Toy Story, 1995.
Watch this space. Silver and Pumba’s antics and progress, coming soon!