
There have only been a handful of occasions when I’ve met someone for the first time and just known that we will be good friends. There’s something about them, what they stand for, what they say and do that I respect. This was one of those encounters.

In October 2016 our luck changed, through mutual friends (thank you Helga and Tim) we found Kim and Dean.

I’ve always thought of them as the Good Life couple (Tom and Barbara), if you’re old enough then you’ll know who I mean. They’re based in a field down the road and have horses, chickens, sheep, geese, bees and tones of experience.

Their love of all creatures and seeing how content they are just being with their animals is something I could relate to. What I especially admired was Kim’s willingness to help anyone, whether it was someone struggling to look after their animals or just facing difficult times.

So after showing them around the field and having the all important chat over a cup of tea we decided to join forces and foster some rescue ponies. Kim and Dean would oversee the whole project. As I had no experience looking after horses, I decided to take on the role of chief dogs body when I was able to help out. That night I think I chewed Phil’s ear off with horsey chat. I was once again trying to follow my dream. I was so excited, I couldn’t sleep.