This year (like all the previous years) it’s been non-stop at Little Warden and the kids go back to school in a couple of weeks. So we thought a short mini break (four nights), camping, was needed to recharge our batteries. You never guess where we went……

Down the field! Yes we packed up and drove down the lane to the field. It took us a staggering two minutes to reach our destination. No traffic jam, no delays, no road works, result!
Thankfully are kids are young, still impressed by what mummy and daddy do and are gullable enough to fall for “lets go on an exciting holiday down the field”. Their innocence and simplistic view of life is not only refreshing but a life saver.
Surprisingly, just being away from the house has been relaxing. I’m unable to work through my endless house jobs list. More importantly it’s given us a chance to just look and absorb the wonderful surroundings. The kids have spent many hours just running around in circles (I’ve never understood that, but if it knackers them out then that’s a win for me). They helped us pitch up the tent, tried their hand at frisbee throwing, cooking, and we’ve had our own little rave festival.
But there’s nothing better than star gazing, sitting by the campfire (albeit a small one) eating mashmallows. Bliss.